Thursday, November 29, 2007

Clean your nose!

got a dirty nose? Just do what this brave soul did!

The look on his face is PRICELESS!

Windows vista uses 900mb of RAM at boot. Linux less than 300mb

I have been playing around with Xubuntu and I have all the fancy compiz-fusion effects up and running on my laptop. I noticed that it uses 2/3rds less RAM than my desktop running windows vista. The 3d effects of compiz-fusion is far better than Vista's yet uses less RAM. Check out this video of Xubuntu running on old hardware.

I admit its kinda nerdy, but whatever.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Another interesting thing I hurd on my shortwave radio.

This is nothing special and really hard to hear but it was strange listening to it. It was either some aeronautical stuff or maybe even a HAM QSL party? I really don't know hahha. Sorry for the poor audio quality, but there was massive interference from a Chinese station.

Being sick sucks!

Well the holiday season has begun and I have a nice cold to show for it! Don't buy into the hype of stupid re-branded vitamins like Airborne. That stuff is the biggest scam. It's just alka-seltzer and vitamins combined. Do your self a favor and just buy the cheap drug store multi-vitamin. It does the same thing and doesn't taste like hell!
Airborne is just a scam, if you have a barely decent diet taking it will have little impact on your ability to fight off viruses and bacterial infections.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

US poverty map

Searching the internet I found this interactive poverty map of the United States. I find it shocking that some states have really high child proverty rates. Here is the link if you are interested.
->click here<-

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Friday, November 16, 2007

Strange invention, but awesome for rank feet!

Check out this link. This is a device that drys your shoes so they wont smell! Pretty sweet.
Click here!

Thursday, November 15, 2007

The most important drum loop of all time.

Have you ever heard of the "Amen break?" Well you should because this break is everwhere! Watch this you tube clip, its sort of long, but very interesting!