Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Creepy Shortwave number station

Last night I took my shortwave radio and ghetto random-wire antenna outside to see what I could hear. I threw the antenna on the roof and got to listening. I was able to find a ton of stations that were broadcasting out of Asia and Australia!
Everything was going great until I found a creepy station on 8140 khz. This was a numbers station.
People think these stations are to relay information to spies out in the field. You can read more about it here
Thanks to my Cellphone, I was able to capture a short video of this station.

Here is same broadcast I found, but on another freq.

Pretty creepy stuff huh? Shortwave radio is a fun (but very nerdy) hobby!


Anonymous said...

This station is called V02a and comes from Cuba!
You want spooky?

Mei Fang said...

Extremely interesting blog Michael!The media certainly worked really well togethr. Good job.
